Discontinued - AlbaChem Expert Premium 303 Screen Print Ink Remover
Safety Data Sheet for AlbaChem Expert Premium 303 Screen Print Ink Remover
Premium 303 completely removes cured plastisol inks, most water based inks, flock lettering and adhesives from all textiles. Its unique oxygenated formula leaves fabric free of any trade of the ink smudge. 303 contains only first quality virgin solvents and is crystal clear in color.
- Most powerful spot cleaning fluid manufactured.
- Does not contain any petroleum distillates.
- Fast Drying
- Does not contain any acetone or other ketones.
- No flashpoint detected.
Directions for use:
Shake well. Pour fluid into cleaning gun jar. Place stained material on a vacuum surface to
remove solvent vapors. Spray fluid into stain area. Use a circular motion going from the
outside edge of the stain toward the center. Once stain has been re-moved, feather out area until there is no longer a sharp outline. Repeat process. Vapor levels must be monitored to stay in compliance with OSHA regulations.